Sunday, January 13, 2019

REAL ZOMBIES in the making...Read On...

The Lord showed me this "realm" of existence, a very NEAR timeline, coming to a city near you....its a realm of Zombie type people who rely on FACEBOOK to keep them protected from demons.....They believe that GOD is secretly helping them on and through Facebook.  In reality, this being is FAR from the TRUTH......its NOT God on Facebook your dealing with it is "the FALSE LIGHT bearer, the Anti Christ himself" is running Facebook right now pretending to be God or Christ himself.  It specifically states in the Bible to rely on GOD alone, not humans or what ever those things are running Facebook, (that being the Anti Christ and demons).

How do I know this? Well strangely enough "while" I was in that ''realm" that the Lord was showing me people would come right out and inform me about how they don't want their Facebook messed up by others touching it, that their Facebook was set up in such a way for God to help give THEM their salvation but if any others looked or messed around with their Facebook page it would mess up their divine salvation. I thought these people were truly nuts (at first) until one of my own family members got in on that game too.  She too thinks its God on Facebook....oh boy.  The Lord has shown me its none other than the ANTI CHRIST ON FACEBOOK in these hours right now, the largest deceiving heist in the history of mankind! 
Read this scripture;

John 4:24
God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” 

God is in spirit form, he is NOT using Facebook as his salvation platform, NO, it is FALSE LIGHT...THE ANTI-CHRIST HIMSELF COMING ACROSS AS GOD.  Don't be fooled or take that bait!!!!!!!!!! The people in that timeline realm, their eyes, it was their eyes....their eyes were very very DISTANT like their soul was NOT there but somewhere else.  Their eyes had this glassy, glazed type of look in them, like in a TRANCE.  I hate to even say this but seriously it appeared as that their very soul was GONE FROM THEIR EYES!! I was shown this "near future" epidemic that will be and IS already working people over in preparation for the real show down SOON....its all coming directly from Facebook presently but other social media platforms could be next.

So is Facebook where the zombies will come from??? Will the Facebook Anti Christ steal their very souls? YES....if they do not get OFF Facebook their very souls are at stake in the very NEAR future!


Please repent of your sins and turn from the wiles of the Devil least you will be swept up into all this messy demonic chaos if you choose to continue in your ways. Best to be on the SAFE SIDE and ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Lord and savior Amen :)

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