Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Does anyone remember when President Bush gave the OK to "Bomb the Moon?

Does anyone remember when President Bush gave the OK to "Bomb the Moon?

I do and the first thought that came to my mind was that there must really be alien civilizations that are stationed on the Moon or they would not be bombing it. Looking for water on the Moon made no sense to me...honestly, we have enough water on Earth, why the need to discover water on the Moon? I know, your thinking they wanted to know if there was water on the Moon so that they could build a sub station up there. That still does not make sense, why??? Well for one we have the equipment here on earth to drill deep holes in the ground which means we could have used a "Chikyu research vessel" to drill a hole into the Moon to find water instead of going to that EXTREME of actually bombing the Moon. We could have used the Chikyu research vessel, the longest known drilling equipment on the face of the earth presently to do that job. 

CHIKYU RESEARCH VESSEL Cost: $540 million Current Maximum depth: 23,000 feet ft. below seafloor Crew: 150: 50 crew, 50 drilling techs and engineers, 50 scientists and lab techs Drill string components: 1,000 31-ft. segments of pipe Drill string Assembly:3 hrs.

So the Governments excuse was to "find water" right? Ok, so why then, were they making previous plans to detonate a "Nuclear bomb" on the Moon in 1959??? Wow, lets blow up the Moon??? Here is the link below to watch a video that CNN News covered on this topic below;

So they abandoned the first plan because the planned got leaked out and once it was leaked out there was an uprising against it....there was too much resistance from the populous to follow through with it. Tell me, who in their right mind would consider tampering with Gods celestial creations? After all the Moon regulates the oceans tides! The Moon has A LOT of important functions for our survival on Earth here, God designed it this way. If the moon was gone we'd only have about 6 hours of day light a day! Again WHO in their right mind would mess with our celestial bodies in our universe??? Do I hear DUMB? Yep Lol.....
Here is a link to an article on what would happen if we did not have our Moon below;

Here is an awesome video covering the whole plan to bomb the Moon in 2009, its a MUST SEE...great video on the protest of bombing the Moon. See below; 

Bombing the Moon: Stellar breakthrough or cosmic cover-up?


Published on Oct 6, 2009

I personally and firmly believe that there are other life forms that live on our Moon and if you want my opinion, when we bombed the moon we PISSED OFF who ever resides there! So how does this all fit into the final hours of the End Times Tribulation? Read below;

I also firmly believe that 911 marked the beginning of the Tribulation and I believe the bombing of the Moon is some type of marker point within the Tribulation. I am not sure where the bombing of the Moon fits into scripture yet but this event was a pivotal moment in history that must have affected the celestial body of the Moon in some way, shape or form.  The Bible speaks of
the celestial changes during the Tribulation....that the Sun, Moon and Stars will all be changed out of the rightful places and seasons;

Luke 21:25
There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among the nations, bewildered by the roaring of the sea and the surging of the waves. Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

I am adding this statement at the end of each of my posts so that the world will KNOW just what FACEBOOK is up to! Read below;

Don't worship the World Wide Web and its correlating technologies least you become A PART OF IT and ohhhhhhhhh trust me really trust me, you don't want to become a statistic of their digital portals.  (Not only have I  'heard' but also 'FELT' what "things" were coming through the portals opening up within my room night after night when I WAS on Facebook.  Once I got OFF FACEBOOK, the portals STOPPED ALL TOGETHER!)
I could not believe how duped I was by Facebooks evil....I only pray for others to understand and come to this same conclusion before its too late for you. 

Please repent of your sins and turn from the wiles of the Devil least you will be swept up into all this messy demonic chaos if you choose to continue in your ways. Best to be on the SAFE SIDE and ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Lord and savior Amen :)

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