Sunday, January 13, 2019

New Agers; A Day in the Life of Being "Your Own God"

The Lord has shown me what is going to happen to people who think they can be there own God DURING the full blown Tribulation and that fate could be comparable to Hell on Earth, then of course Hellish after they die too. I myself, thank the Lord never once ever thought I was my own God,  I always knew there was ONE God...that is the LORD our God.
Here is a Bible verse relaying that even the demons KNOW there is only ONE GOD.

James 2:19 

You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.

The Lord showed me what will happen to those who think they are their own God or Goddesses DURING the full blown Tribulation;
The Lord actually ''allows" you to be your own God or Goddess.....that in itself it a horrible fate from what I was shown. WHY? Because humans do NOT know HOW to harness the correct energies and when they do harness these energies they do not know HOW to direct them properly....only God knows how to use these energies.

Heres what is going to happen to those who think they are their own God or Goddess. DURING the full blown Tribulation... EVERY SINGLE thing that you (THINK OF EVERY MINUTE) of the day WILL happen to you. What happens in nothing short of having a blotter acid trip ALL day long, EVERY DAY. Read below;
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF BEING YOUR OWN GOD DURING the full blown Tribulation;
Let me give you some examples....say you look up and see a pretty bird flying and you think in your head, wow, I wish I could fly like that thing you know (in your mind) your levitating, then tumbling around and around in the sky above because you dont have tumble in circles and makes you sick from the motions. This may go on for hours. When your feet finally after hours hit the ground you collapse out of sheer exhaustion, the neighbors across the street are wondering why you collapsed.  Then you may go on to think if only I could get up to get myself in the house, then out of the blue a demon will help drag you to the door...its really you scrapping yourself across the pavement but in your head you can feel a demon help drag you body else can see these things happening to you, only you can see and feel it. When you get to the door you have strange bruises on both wrists from the demon helping you to the house.  People wonder how you got those strange bruises.  
You decide you need to talk to your best friend about this, so your traveling down the highway, your on a long drive to a friends house and your tying NOT to think of ANYTHING because you know if you even think, what ever you think WILL happen but after a while you forget not to think and say in your head, geez I wish my cruise control would work so I could relax on this trip (BANG) Your vehicle takes off on its own, suddenly going 100 miles an hour and not only that, its a demon in control of your car...the demon takes control of the wheel and next thing you know your swerving all over the highway lanes at 100 miles an hour dodging other cars. Some one call the cops on their cell phone and next thing you know you see lights flashing behind you BUT your breaks wont stop the car and now your going to get a fleeing and alluding change once the car stops. Once the demon final stops your car some 20 plus more miles down the road. The cop asks why you were running from him. What do you say to him? If you tell him the truth, he will take you in for a mental assessment so you keep your mouth shut and take the charge.  Now your sitting in jail.  While your in jail you think to yourself, ugh I hope that big lumber jack man wont notice me...hope he is nice....well, on that note the demon puts a little note into that huge mans head...suddenly the mans demeaner changes and he starts staring you look the other way but that wont help now because (you are your own GOD) AND WHAT EVER GOD THINKS OR CREATES IN HIS HEAD HAPPENS....BECAUSE GOD IS A ''CREATOR"....Now you have just created a situation with the huge man......he asks you what your problem is from across the holding tank cell, you say nothing, I dont have a problem with you but the man has a one track mind and its you. He heads over you way and pushes you...the demon working through him has a problem with you and next thing you know the man is assaulting you...before the guards can come and stop him he did enough damage that you are now transported to the hospital to get checked over.   You say in your head, I hope that phlebotomist is gentle with that needle and WHAM...suddenly it seems that your nurse is demonically driven and jabs the needle into your arm! She says opps, I am so sorry, I am having a bad day and I guess this was the result, so sorry.  Now you got bruises on your wrists, got charged and sent to jail, assaulted by a huge man and now it seems this nurse has it out for you too.

The MORAL to this story of a DAY in the life of being your own God is that "what ever you  THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN" Thats the way it works.....see GOD IS A CREATOR.... what ever he thinks he can make happen BUT us humans, its a different story....we humans do  NOT know how to harness these energies or direct these energies, ONLY GOD knows how to direct energies properly.   

The Lord showed me this is what exactly is going to happen in the NEAR future DURING the full blown Tribulation to those people who are thinking they are their own God....God is going to "remove his protection" from you since you think you are God and just let you fight to direct these energies.  God is not punishing you, he is simply allowing you freewill to do as you want. 

During the Tribulation all the I am that I ams New Agers and those who think they are a God or Goddess will GREATLY regret their beliefs.

I am adding this statement at the end of each of my posts so that the world will KNOW just what FACEBOOK is up to! Read below;

Don't worship the World Wide Web and its correlating technologies least you become A PART OF IT and ohhhhhhhhh trust me really trust me, you don't want to become a statistic of their digital portals.  (Not only have I  'heard' but also 'FELT' what "things" were coming through the portals opening up within my room night after night when I WAS on Facebook.  Once I got OFF FACEBOOK, the portals STOPPED ALL TOGETHER!)
I could not believe how duped I was by Facebooks evil....I only pray for others to understand and come to this same conclusion before its too late for you. 

Please repent of your sins and turn from the wiles of the Devil least you will be swept up into all this messy demonic chaos if you choose to continue in your ways. Best to be on the SAFE SIDE and ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Lord and savior Amen :)

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