Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Hive Mind of the Serpent Seed Humans

     Whether you were born into it, married into it or suddenly found yourself in that particular world of the  "HIVE MINDS"....if you have experienced the HM people you know exactly what I am referring to.  They all, strangely, seem to be cut from the same cloth, bizarrely so.  These hive mind people, also, in all respects appear to have the infliction of "Sociopathy and Narcissism", (which by the way it has been scientifically proven that the sociopath make up is different than NORMAL human beings).  You'll notice that they are led in all respects by the "base brain".....they are all about the survival of themselves and will push, pull, punch or kill to get "their way".  Dare you defend yourself against the blue blood royalty hive mind, the queen bee will signal the HM people and report your defiance. Expect no less than a fleet of killer bees to swarm your way.

     You can call these hive mind serpent seeds the Illuminati if you so chose to but as we all know their blood lines have spread out everywhere and their dna has been "diluted" along the way. Inbreeding to ensure pure blood lines didnt quite work out as well as they expected and now they realize that they have "their own kind" fighting the good fight for JESUS....there are a lot of us "mixed blood lines" out here that have chosen the LIGHT OF JESUS and now work for the Lord. The HM people are watching their numbers dwindle and with Trump in office they will continue to watch their "power slip". Trump is bringing GOD back into our lives and the lefties democrats are throwing a satanic fit over it. They thought their blue blood would rule forever and even have the audacity to think they could rule or beat out GOD of HIS world he made. 

     Tips on the blue blood serpent seeders goes as follows; They LOVE confrontation...its a big part of what they thrive on. Avoid engagement at all costs. Just agree with them, shake your head like your listening and you will walk away with all your God given light power in you but if you "take the bait" of the confrontation your going to walk away feeling drained of energy because thats exactly what THEY DO....they are "energetic vampires". When you engage them, your energy gets lowered and THEN things of  "dark nature" can find a crack in your armor....where their is cracks, spiritual attacks against your person can then ensue.  This is why Jesus always preached "turn your cheek"....when you turn your cheek, your the one who actually WINS.  

     Now SOON very soon, most of us normal humans will be surrounded by these HM people once the VEIL IS TORN BETWEEN OUR WORLD AND THAT OF THE SPIRIT WORLD.  Its kinda hard to explain this but these HM people work their best "witchcraft" through or in the spirit world. Part of the Tribulation will include these HM people having total access to you in the spirit world and this is where and when you'll need the full armor of God to survive their antics against you.  Get right with God and JESUS DONT want to be found with your pants down if you get what I mean.

God bless us all in these last hours Amen

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