Saturday, January 12, 2019

Creepy Traits, Idiosyncrasies, Habits and Characteristics of An Illuminati Perp

Creepy Traits, Idiosyncrasies, Habits and Characteristics of An Illuminati Perp

I have been put in many different positions to observe the (Illuminati persona. OR YOU CAN CALL THEM THE SERPENT SEED HUMANS) I will say it up front, that Illuminati Perps are beyond a doubt, sociopaths". 

 -Rule number #1; Trust no one.
If you are in the Illuminati game, there are no rules, no honor and no morals. Everything is game and so are you.

1.) They are extremely predatory in nature. (They may not be able to eat you like animals but you can be sure, if you are around these people that you will feel like you are being consumed...mind, spirit and body. 

2.) Unbelievably controlling.

3.) Perfectionists (To the 10th degree)

4.) They view themselves, above "mere" humans, as if they are royalty. (In fact their blood lines are directly related to the royal family).

5.) Very predigest against any other heritage but their own. (White Supremacist).

6.) Usually, always above average intelligence. (So intelligent, that they over think everything)

7.) Verbally abusive and aggressive in nature.

8.) They tend to "lecture, teach or inform" rather than having a normal conversation. (They are always in the training mode).

9.) For some reason...many of them are "OCD". (Comes from perfectionism, striving to be perfect until it becomes a sickness)

10.) Superficial. (One personality for the public and a second personality at home) rather than just being themselves.

11.) Extremely competitive.  (They will any cost) be careful.

12.) Manipulative, via playing head games and "toying" with you. (You can actually see the glee in their eyes and a slight smirk on their mouth).

13.) If they don't get "their way" out.

14.) If you stand up for yourself, your beliefs or oppose them...they will take it as a direct insult, as if you are crossing them in some way....that is not allowed from their point of view.....if you do not do exactly as you are told then they will hunt you down and get revenge.

15.) Repeated Quotes.  Here are some examples that I have heard over and over, there are many;

       * Waste not, want not.

       * Birds of a feather, flock together.

       * Cant judge a book by it's cover

16.) Talk in metaphors, riddles and rhymes to make points or to drill "key trigger phrases" into your brain.

Other interesting traits;

-They all act like children.  Have little to no patients, interrupt, are focused on only their needs, are selfish and self centered as well as many other childish traits that resemble the child persona. Almost as if their brain development came to a stop between the ages of  4-9.

-Illuminati members refrain from using table salts. This is a very healthy choice indeed but also "a telltale sign of the Illuminati member" as well.

-They all enjoy the art of manipulation and head games because to them, life is a game and people are the chess pieces.

-Very idealistic, deriving from the Zionist idealism.  If you do not service them, humor them or provide some other useful aspect that will help further their agenda, you are dispensable or destroyable. Just be glad they told you to get screwed and run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.

-They are magicians. Masters of the "sleight at hand".  Right in front of your face, they will use sleight of hand at lightning speed with precision. I've caught several of these monsters using this trickery on me, red handed.  To explain how unnerving this trick is would be hard to do, you would have to see this tactic in action for yourself to understand.  These quick, precision movements reveal that they are not fully human as we know humans to be but are in fact genetic offspring of the fallen angels.

-The Illuminati are in fact, the ones contracted to conduct the EH on victims. This could be your Illuminati Skull & Bones boss at work, your Scottish Rite neighbor or even your Freemason relative. 
-Creatures of Habit; I have seen very few Zionist mentalities that exhibit any spontaneous behavior but rather they live usually by a rigid, predictable schedule.  They live like "good little boys and girls who go to bed early as pea pods, jump up brightly beaming before the sun does, get their fall leaves cleaned up on the same exact week, have spaghetti every Friday, do exactly as their doctors told them to do without question, place their lawn chairs always in the back yard but NEVER the front yard"   

-You can recognize an Illuminati member or Zionist by their predictable schedules. Since they are control freaks, anything unexpected or spontaneous throws them into a "flip out", utterly unnerving them as if they are programmed replicas with a specific program that suddenly changed course. The replica gets confused, flustered and bewildered over anything "outside of  their personal box".
 "I have noticed among them, that they actually "encourage" children to lash out in anger instead of teaching them to learn "self control" as would most normal adult role models".  

-If you ever hear anyone say this phrase;

"Survival of the Fittest"....The Illuminati Motto; you will know that you are in the presence of an Illuminati blood-liner. 
This teaching of "survival of the fittest" is a technique that the Illuminati really trumps up and its obvious to me that this mentality is trained into the child from a very young age by deliberately drawing out their aggression and allowing it to flourish unabated there after without the slightest acknowledgement or correction of the child's behavior in question is wrong but in fact act as if it is a totally normal occurrence to use aggression or violence when angry.  Very scary.

I am adding this statement at the end of each of my posts so that the world will KNOW just what FACEBOOK is up to! Read below;

Don't worship the World Wide Web and its correlating technologies least you become A PART OF IT and ohhhhhhhhh trust me really trust me, you don't want to become a statistic of their digital portals.  (Not only have I  'heard' but also 'FELT' what "things" were coming through the portals opening up within my room night after night when I WAS on Facebook.  Once I got OFF FACEBOOK, the portals STOPPED ALL TOGETHER!)

I could not believe how duped I was by Facebooks evil....I only pray for others to understand and come to this same conclusion before its too late for you. 

Please repent of your sins and turn from the wiles of the Devil least you will be swept up into all this messy demonic chaos if you choose to continue in your ways. Best to be on the SAFE SIDE and ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Lord and savior Amen :)

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