Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Kundalini Spirit IS the FALSE Holy Spirit-A Counterfeit

The Kundalini Spirit IS the FALSE Holy Spirit-A Counterfeit 

Satan's temptations and schemes are always made to seem beautiful, you know "false light", or his wiles would not work if he made sinning look or feel unpleasant. Just as in the Garden of Eden, his whispers of grandiose promises of forbidden knowledge didn't seem so dangerous to Eve "at first" either. At first being the KEY word here.  

The so called experts that have NEVER had a Kundalini have NO idea what it is....they however got one thing IS a SERPENT coiled at that base of your spine and that is suppose to be where IT STAYS. God had, nor has any intention of bringing about a SERPENT into your life, body, soul or spirit. God has a REALLY GOOD REASON to keep the "Serpent part of us at BAY".  Here is an exerpt from an article on Kundalini;

"Kundalini awakening can trigger a wide range of phenomena, both positive and negative. It can cause significant changes in the physical, emotional, sensate and psychic capacities, cause stress in vulnerable areas of the body, open the heart and mind to major shifts in perspective,  and cause many  unique and unfamiliar sensations including shaking, vibrating, spontaneous movement, visions, and many other phenomena".

Oh yea, dont forget to mention the Neggy stuff that happens along with a Kundalini, thank you for letting us know but you forgot to mention that there IS a SERPENT involved ugh.

The NEW AGERS make it sound so enlightening to have a Kundalini....thing is a REAL Kundalini is sooooo RARE that most of what people are reading on it, their information is coming from second, third hand or false information down the line but NOT the TRUTH of what having a REAL Kundalini is like. 

How do I know you may ask....well.....its because I had a SPONTANEOUS and INSTANT KUNDALINI back in 2015. Full blow SERPENT running THROUGH MY BODY....hmmmmm......not only were my eyes WIDE OPEN, seeing, hearing things, experiencing electrically buzzing and the list goes ON and ON..  HORRIFYING experiences from the spontaneous Kundalini. By the way YES you DO actually FEEL a SERPENT running up and down through your body, day after day, hour after hour, you will feel this serpent INSIDE of your body as I did, its maddening and could drive one total crazy if they do not stay close with the Lord.

I picked up this "Kundalini SPIRIT" by taking a WRONG turn during my walk AS a REAL PROPHET. When I was walking in the spirit with the Holy Spirit, seeing visions he was showing me to relay, I thought in my mind at the time that I could talk to and with New Agers to collect information on them for my articles and that nothing could come out bad from it because I was THEN protected by the God and his Holy Spirit PRIOR to 2016 but I was WRONG.....I got sucked into the "fringes" of the New Agey scene and had a full blown Kundalini.

I know the difference NOW between the REAL Holy Spirit and the Kundalini Spirit....being led by the Holy Spirit was beautiful and enlightening, loving, blissful and magical, I loved it before I regretfully took a wrong turn in my confusion. I have since then repented for being duped into the New Age scene. 

The Kundalini IS a DEMONIC SPIRIT who tries to mimic the Holy Spirit. Both "enlighten" ones mind and spirit BUT the Kundalini is an actual STRONG DEMON, NOT, NOT the Holy Spirit! You will know the difference immediately if you are being enlightening by the Holy Spirit or the Kundalini Spirit because the Holy Spirit is blissful, magical, mystical and so loving! On the other hand that SERPENT KUNDALINI SPIRIT is a DEMON and you will experience horrific, scary things that at some point in a later blog I will go more in depth surrounding the horrors of the Kundalini Spirit.

Please REBUKE the Kundalini Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ name and get yourself a deliverance minister to help you get exorcised from it.

May the Lord bless us all in these LATE hours on earth


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