Monday, January 28, 2019

Have you Stepped Out of Linear Time? The Mandela Affected Seem to say They Have

Has time seemed to have sped up on you yet?

Daniel 7:25
'He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time'

They veil between our world and the spirit world is super thin right now and when it finally dissolves all the way or if God rips the rest of it off then (you'd better get preparing yourself  for Christs return). Many, many others have mentioned to me that they feel time has sped up and theres little time to even get the "basics" done, let alone anything extra. I've already been through the time speeding up phase, that went on for about four years with me but now time has gotten pretty much back to normal now. Things get a little fuzzy when you step out of Linear time, in other words...those of us whom have stepped out of Linear time really stepped into more of "spirit form than the flesh form".  I dont know if this is just happening to only Gods chosen at this particular time but I KNOW LATER, EVERYONE is going to experience what the spirit world is like because the veil is going to be totally ripped apart. The veil that protects us is very thin right now and some of us who are sensitive to things already feel and know whats going down.

Some signs that your on your way out of linear time;
You do NOT hear normal sounds that you should anymore...such as do you hear birds daily? You should....Do you hear airplanes daily? You should be hearing the airplanes because they fly through ALL skies on the way to their destination. Do you hear other sounds that you should be hearing, say a railroad is right by you but for some strange reason you cannot hear the train. You know that this particular church plays its church bells down your road hourly BUT you do not, cannot hear the bells play even though you use to be able to hear them. What is going on??? Start paying attention to these things because you probably over looked them like most people do. Things and people around you have seemed to change as if you have been picked up and placed in a totally new parallel Earth world. The Mandela Affected people seem to think and feel this is what has happened to them. You can search the Mandela Affected on youtube or the net and discover that this anomaly is happening  NOW WORLD WIDE.  I happen to be what they call Mandela Affected myself BUT I view this anomaly in a different view.  I firmly believe that this anomaly occurred due to what is know as CERN that has messed with our very time on Earth, that were now experiencing Daniel 7:25.  Research CERN on youtube or the net and you will see what I am talking about.

There is so little time for us ALL and we must prepare for Christs return NOW....start living a life that will be pleasing to Jesus and repent of your sins because you DONT want to be caught with your pants down when he returns because when Jesus does return he will be paying each of us back for our deeds we have done during our lives. This does not mean that your going to Hell, nope, Jesus will just walk you through the valley of Death while you pay for your own sins that your brought on yourself...once Jesus is done walking us through the shadow of the valley of death, we will be washed clean and refined. Through Jesus Christs "finished work on you", you may once again stand in the presence of God again. Best to start repenting NOW daily.

God bless us all during these LAST HOURS Amen! :)
Love egy :)
I am adding this statement at the end of each of my posts so that the world will KNOW just what FACEBOOK is up to! Read below;

Don't worship the World Wide Web and its correlating technologies least you become A PART OF IT and ohhhhhhhhh trust me really trust me, you don't want to become a statistic of their digital portals.  (Not only have I  'heard' but also 'FELT' what "things" were coming through the portals opening up within my room night after night when I WAS on Facebook.  Once I got OFF FACEBOOK, the portals STOPPED ALL TOGETHER!)

I could not believe how duped I was by Facebooks evil....I only pray for others to understand and come to this same conclusion before its too late for you. 

Please repent of your sins and turn from the wiles of the Devil least you will be swept up into all this messy demonic chaos if you choose to continue in your ways. Best to be on the SAFE SIDE and ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Lord and savior Amen :)

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