Friday, January 18, 2019

Brain Hackers; Social Media Sites Using Brain reading Technologies..Oh and it goes WAY beyond this!

The Deepest Rabbit Hole;

Whew! The rabbit hole goes SO DEEP that many in the "very near future" may not be able to escape it's  "Signature brain mapping" ....once its completed. 

The ones in the know about how this technology works, know that even THEY....(just a common civilian), can hack your into your brain using a few clickidy clicks on their cell phone.  This is the extent of what I know to be FACT....I've SEEN it done in live action (when those who participate in this evil technology) actually affect the person in question with some clicks on technology. I am planning on digging into the itty bitty parts of this technology....deep research into it to uncover how its really being done. I am an expert of digging into things.... reverse engineering comes to mind...I wont quit until the whole puzzle is taken apart into pieces. Then I will be reporting here my findings.
IN THE MEAN TIME PLEASE STAY OFF FACEBOOK. the ONE site that these technologies are being used on SO FAR....there are others but to a way lesser degree that I wont go into here. 

The main objective for you, the reader, is to STAY OFF FACEBOOK.....least you discover what REAL HELL is one wants that for you or your loved ones. This all goes WAY beyond advertisement trying to make a buck technology....this technology CAN actually kill you if they so chose to clickidy click that "equation'....our entire body is RAN by our BRAIN.... peeps on the other side of the screen...they can "simulate a heart attack"....simulate you catching Bronchitis even....I could go on but STEP INTO THAT WORLD for too long and who knows what more they are capable of........they may simulate a permanent acid trip just for you.....these technologies of course are in the hands of the WRONG people as expected......sociopathy comes to mind and we all know sociopaths do NOT have a conscious nor sympathy for that matter....that's the scary part.
So I've given you a lot of mumble jumbo here with rants BUT...I know a lot more myself than I am saying on here presently and just feeling the waters before jumping in. Always got to play it smart.

Here are a few videos to research up on until I get back with you on what I really know;
In the mean time GET OFF FACEBOOK AMEN!

Read more here: “Mind-reading machines may sound like they belong firmly in the realms of science fiction, but they may be closer to reality than you think. Researchers have developed a technique that can produce a digital image of what a person is picturing in their mind, simply by reading the electrical activity of their brain.
As part of a new study, accepted for publication in the journal eNeuro, a team from the University of Toronto Scarborough (UT) used a noninvasive test known as an electroencephalogram—which is usually used in the diagnosis of brain tumors, epilepsy and other conditions—to record this electrical activity in participants who were presented with visual stimuli on a computer screen. The researchers hooked up the volunteers—13 healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 27—to the EEG via electrodes placed on their heads. They then showed the participants the faces of 140 individuals, one-by-one, on the computer screen, while recording their brain activity.”

Brain Hacking by 60 Minutes;

Published on Jan 10, 2018

Silicon Valley is engineering your phone, apps and social (Silicon Valley is engineering your phone, apps and social media to get you hooked, says a former Google product manager)

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