Saturday, December 22, 2018

WWW = World Wide (SPIDER) WEB! WWW=Soul Catcher

                          "Plain and simple...the world wide web is the Devils playground"

The World Wide Web was not accidentally named, nope, it was strategically thought out. Webs are meant to catch prey......the WWW is meant to catch not pray but YOUR SOUL, so to speak.
Remember the Biblical scriptures tells us to NOT worship the Beast??? Well NOW are the days to adhere to that scripture. The longer period of time your on the net, the longer THEY can AFFECT your person. I've had some good advice from some higher ups that have filled me in....they say dont stay on the net longer than a half hour at a time.  So just who are "THEY"? They are minions, demons, fallen angels....what ever name you want to call them. Just know they ARE prowling the internet, kinda like fishing....just waiting for you to take their bait....DONT GET of the many ways people are getting hood winked is through the NEW AGE AGENDA....thats a rabbit hole the size of space think Alice had it bad....dabble in new age and you'll surely find out just how far Alice went in wonderland.....

Revelation 13:15
And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.


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