Saturday, December 22, 2018

How Sin Separates us from God


See people got it all wrong...God does NOT want to punish us or to see us suffer, he did not set his commandments to be mean.....Gods word was made as a compass to GUIDE you SAFELY throughout your life. If one rebels themselves against Gods better judgement, then your taking on your own consequences from your own doings. Simply put...."sin separates us from God".....God does not separate us, we do this all on our own through our own sins.  God is so Holy and resonates at such a HIGH frequency that he is like pure light.... anything of darkness (sin is darkness) cannot resonate any where near Gods Holiness light.  So as you see, God does not shun us but we through our own sins resonate at a lower frequency and cannot reach anywhere near Gods pure light. When something goes wrong in their lives, they always ask why would God allow this to happen? Fact is, is that God gives us total freedom over our lives and does not usually intervene unless specifically asked too through prayer. God is all love, so when things go wrong blame the right party and we all know who that is....the enemy is the one who causes suffering and death but through the finished work of Christ on your behalf, being refined through Christ, you can once again stand in the presence of God. Amen

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