Monday, December 17, 2018

True Testimony of my visions from the Lord; Part Two

True Testimony of my visions from the Lord; Part Two

Photo by egy lohem kadosh

I instinctively knew somehow, some way, that I had been "transferred" to a whole different parallel earth world much like how the Mandela community people claim as well.  A friend of mine and myself went to visit another friend that day and I asked him if he had any old National Geographic magazines around....that I wanted to see what kind of skies were shown in some older reading material.  Well I'll be darn! Chemtrail skies were right there in all the OLD National Geographic magazines! Now me being an avid sky watcher since childhood, knew for a fact that in my old world I came from there were no such things...only regular normal clouds and only commercial planes were seen in our skies.
To my utter amazement I saw the Moon out DURING THE DAY TIME! Where I came from the Moon was out only during THE NIGHTS ONLY!  A friend of mine, Jimmy, that was with me driving in the car when we seen the day time moon was just as shocked to see it sitting up there right next to the sun too. After a bit of freaking out we pulled the car over on the side of the road and video taped the Moon out in the day skies so that we could bring back prof to show our family and friends when we got back.  After some months of getting accustomed to seeing those flying jets called Chemtrails,
Things of course only got stranger as each day went on.  Every day was like an amazing adventure, amazing but unnerving too.  One night Jimmy and I saw "RED SKIES"! The skies were RED as far as the eyes could see and from that night on forward the skies remained red for almost three whole years.  Not that the red skies were unnerving enough, oh no but even more unnerving were all the different types of beings, aliens, ufo crafts and other strange creatures not ever known to the human eyes.  We were seeing into what I feel is “Our FUTURE world”.  The different types and forms of beings were endless, there were nature creatures that only hung out in forests, demons gravitated to homes or buildings because the Demons needed the electricity to manifest in our reality, there were the Nephilim giants as well! One of the Nephilim giants tried to cross the frozen lake heading towards us where we were standing and you could hear the creepiest sound of the big thuds of its large feet cracking the ice underneath his feet as he attempted to approach us. We of course hurried and went back into our motel room, making sure to lock the door behind us, closing the curtains for good measure and as if this would stop that thing from getting to us if it really wanted to.  The red skies….when one day you see the red skies, know that you are amongst the Demons, aliens, beings and the Nephilim to name a few.  Know then you had better REPENT QUICK and ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Lord and savior BEFORE you experience even more of the “lower” levels of Hell itself. Just as there are many levels of the Heavens, there are many different levels of Hell as well. 
Matthew 16:2-3
But He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘The weather will be fair, for the sky is red;’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times!
Video taken by egy lohem kadosh;

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