Thursday, December 20, 2018

Geordie Rose Basically admits that (AI's) WILL be Possessed not by Souls but by Demons!

     The reasons why Geordie Rose says that these AI's will out smart us is because these AI's will not just be made of metal and wires but they WILL become possessed by entities or demons, which ever you want to call them....Geordie Rose states "that you may want to get out your HOLY WATER and wave the water at these AI's"!!
     Now you ask HOW these entities or demons can manifest into these AI's? Well demons use electricity, wifi fields and water as "conduits" to manifest into our physical existence. These new life like AI's robots are going to be "the housing" for demons...remember demons USE ELECTRICITY AND WIFI FIELDS to manifest and well....AI's sure are made of pure electronics with built in connectivity to wifi, on that a note, it dont take much imagination as to what our future is going to be like. If Geordie appears frightful of his own creations, well this certainly should speak volumes of what yet is to come. The Bible prophecies spoke of these very things that are NOW coming to pass.....ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Lord and savior NOW....there might not be a later to get right with God and Jesus....God speed!

Geordie rose speaks on aliens, artificial intelligence and summoning entities

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