Monday, December 24, 2018

The Sun and Moon Will try to Harm you During the Tribulation!

The Yellow sun and Moon as you know them will NOT be the same during the Tribulation. The REAL sun and moon will be REMOVED from earth and will be replaced with these living breathing entities that replica the original ones. This will be like nothing you nor world has EVER seen before. The Lord showed me what these entities look like, how they behave and what they will do to people who do not turn back to the Lord their God and repent.

Luke 21:25-26
There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among the nations, bewildered by the roaring of the sea and the surging of the waves. Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.…

Lets start out with with the basic lesson here to this Biblical verse below. I demonstrate three different versions of this scripture. One from the  New Living Translation, one from the English Standard Version and one from the Kings James Version.

Psalm 121:6
New Living Translation
The sun will not HARM you by day, nor the moon at night.
English Standard Version
The sun shall not STRIKE you by day, nor the moon by night

King James Bible
The sun shall not SMITE thee by day, nor the moon by night

You must concur with me that all three versions relay the same meaning but use slighting different wordings to deliver the message.

The entity Sun burns REAL hot and dehydrates people at lightening speed, giving them heat sickness and sun strokes from loss of fluids and and depletion of electrolytes. People can survive this if they call out to the Lord for protection, read the scriptures for protection, replace their electrolytes daily with Gatorade or a similar substance like Pedialyte and stay INDOORS when all possible.

The Moon entity directly attacks the heart and will jump your heart OFF rhythm. Again call out to the LORD AND REPENT IMMEDIATELY accepting JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and SAVIOR.  You can survive this too with the LORDS help, reading the scriptures, praying and using a type of "shielding", namely "Mylar".  Mylar was developed for astronauts to protect them from all kinds of different EMF's and from my own experiences witnessing these visions wrap your body with a Mylar blanket UNTIL the LORD deems you worthy for salvation through Christ. You can cut a square piece of this Mylar and place it under your clothes, covering your heart and chest area when you have to go outside of your home.  Really truefully, its really all up to the LORD if you will survive this or not....the Mylar is only a bandage..its DOES WORK to protect your heart but you know the old cant hide forever. So repent and ask the LORD JESUS CHRIST to save you from it all. You will actually be able to see these moon entities ''coming out from the moon towards you"...when you see them start praying and read the scriptures!
See below some videos I took during my visions of the entity sun and the entity moon;

Here is one of my strange Moon videos below....I have hundreds of them but will put just this one up for now;

Do yourself a HUGE favor...get right with GOD and JESUS now before this all goes down. God bless you and us all AMEN :)

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