Friday, December 21, 2018


Growing up as a Christian I accepted my Christian life and thrived on everything surrounding it, from singing in the church choir for ten years to volunteering in the church.  After turning 18 and meeting my future ex husband, I found his free, no care life style refreshing in comparison to my rigid Christian up bringing, maybe found his wild life style a little bit too fun you might say. I fell away from my Christian upbringing and took a leap into one might refer to, the underworld.  We partied like there was no tomorrow, having all night parties, sometimes all weekend parties.  I had actually wanted to become a nun or minister but those dreams were shoved somewhere in the back of my mind once I had a taste of exploring the underworld. 
     Like expected, my life was going no where down that road and the many sins I committed without a second thought, later I would seriously regret, not realizing at the time that my current actions could ever affect my future.  Like they say, young and dumb. 
     Thankfully and gratefully for me and everyone, we have JESUS CHRIST to cover our sins when we repent and ask for forgiveness of our human stupidity. I discovered later that there are consequences for every action we make in life, some might call it karma but Biblically your made to pay your dues for each and every choice we make in life. Its so TRUE that for every action there is a reaction, so tread very carefully on your path in life.  
      Bringing this story up to current times....could.....should scare you out of your wits when I get done telling you my testimony surrounding my experience with the New Age Agenda. In fact, it will make you shudder right down to your bones. 

This blog will continue by later tonight or tomorrow....follow my story God bless you and us all  Amen!



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