Thursday, December 27, 2018


I am one of many that has been appointed by the Lord to bring and remind humanity, the TRUTH, through the Holy Spirit. These ARE THOSE DAYS and I am not the only modern day prophet for the Lord....since in or around the years 2011-2012 many like myself have arose from ALL parts of the world, all cultures and in all languages. Led by the Holy Spirit we have much to relay and each of us seem to have specific roles/jobs we are to accomplish. 

I was accomplishing my appointed job very well the first from 2011-2016...I was posting photos of what was going on in the skies and ministering the truth that the Lord wants the world to know but in 2016 ooooooooooooohhhh boy, I made a serious WRONG turn. Though I made this shamefully wrong turn, I truthfully believe that my wrong turn was also planned out by the Lord so that experiencing these things first hand, I could then bear witness of these things that can happen to people WHEN THEY DANCE AROUND THE FRINGES OF THE NEW AGE.....The New Age agenda is a MAJOR NO NO!!  I started to look into things like Reiki, things like freeing your consciousness and how to ascend to the 5th Dimension.  I truly in my own mind thought that God would want us to expand our spiritual knowledge in these different ways...oh I was sooooo wrong!
We as humans are to stay right here on level ground, in the REAL world that God made for us....we are NOT to dabble in Heavenly matters that ONLY GOD has control of.  All this talk about ascending into the 4th or 5th dimension is  Satan himself asking Eve and Adam to bite that apple all over again but this time his targets are us and in THIS AGE Satan has put a NEW twist on taking part in the forbidden knowledge. There is a REALLY GOOD REASON that we as human do NOT take part in forbidden knowledge....its forbidden for a very GOOD reason that later I will be writing about.  Ever hear the old saying, "ignorance is bliss"??? Better to be ignorant than to take the New Age BAIT.

After talking with a couple of different new agers in private chat, I started to experience "spiritual attacks", not just in my mind but inside and outside my body as well. The attacks had gotten so severe that in haste, out of sheer madness I reached out to of all people another "New Age healer" instead of contacting a priest! I was so disillusioned that I did not stop to put things together...did not occur to me that my attacks started after talking to those New Agers. I should have called a priest immediately but instead I reached out to what I thought was a "New Age Healer". Now things got WAY WORSE! Who could have thought that spiritual attacks could get any worse then they were already BUT YEP! This "thing" posing as a New Age healer was something "other worldly"....NOT HUMAN....Later I realized, truely that he was a DEMON.  Demons ARE ONLINE, ON THE INTERNET ALIVE AND WELL TRUST ME!! Immediately within 20 minutes after chatting with him for the FIRST and ONLY time....he said something to the effect "Feel my vibrations"....I asked what he meant by feeling his vibrations? He said, I am going to send "healing vibrations" to you right now and before I could even say a word, to tell him not to do that, I suddenly FELT VIBRATIONS COMING FROM THE ''WIFI ROUTER"!!!!!!!!!!! The vibrations started from my feet up through my head. He asked do you feel my vibrations yet??? I immediately unplugged the wifi router and shut the computer down!! Seems it was too late, what ever cam through that wifi router was with me now, I could NOT get rid of it!  

I started to FEEL SNAKES moving around inside my body after that lunatic demon sent his healing vibrations to me!

JESUS just recently, the past 2 weeks now, FREED me from the snakes and the evil that demon sent me. This is why I am now able to get back to writing and talking about my experiences because I am now more coherent and can now think more clearly since the majority of the attacks are GONE!.. HALLELUJAH GLORY TO GOD AND JESUS FOR MY DELIVERANCE!!!
I will continue this story at another time because of its intensity and sensitivity surrounding this whole kind of drains my mind.
WILL be continued later this week
God bless us all during these days were in  AMEN!

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