Sunday, December 23, 2018

Gang Stalking Victims are the Lords Workers Helping those in Demonic Realms

Sheep among Wolves

Matthew 10:22-23
You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next. Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

Matthew 10:16-17
Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. But beware of men; for they will hand you over to their councils and flog you in their synagogues.

     I use to be a victim of what people call "Gang Stalking" for most of my life up until about 2015....but JESUS REMOVED me from that demonic activity and I no longer experience these activities. Other victims can finally be set free from it through Christ if they so chose to call on Jesus. Most victims are so far into the deception that they cannot reason effectively concerning the activity that is going on around them and truly believe that "mere humans" are pulling off all these stunts. What the victims are experiencing is not coming from full fledged humans BUT is coming from the "Serpent Seed" humans in THEIR LOWER REALM. Plain and simple victims are dealing with the "Serpent seeds"...they are not fully fledged humans but are demonic in origin. This is the WHY's they are never caught. Serpents are sly as we all know. The serpent seeds have the advantage of knowing WHO WE ARE as I am sure you victims have noticed but were left in the dark as to WHO they are....your dealing with the demonic serpent seed line. The same serpent seed line as the Royal family, if this gives you an idea what your dealing with.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

     See just like there is different levels of Heaven and Hell there are different levels of "parallel earth worlds" too. The one parallel earth world that the Gang Stalking victims are in is, well, one of the ''lowest" earth worlds, kinda comparable to a higher up level of Hell itself. The victims, unknown to them, have been placed there by God himself for different reasons only know to God himself. This lower parallel earth world is like a type of Hell on earth. Ask any Gang Stalking victim and they will tell you its like Hell itself.    
     The sooner these victims realize they work for God and that they are there for specific protocols the sooner they will be apt to adapt easier to their surroundings and act accordingly. When the demonic activity starts up, they should start to recite Bible scriptures OUT LOUD until the activity subsides. In most cases the activity only subsides briefly as they are completely submerged into that level of consciousness of that parallel earth world.  The victims are there for Heavenly reasons only God himself knows.  They are suffering just as Jesus did when he came to this world to help the blind to see and deaf to hear Gods word. I am sure they will be greatly rewarded in Heaven for doing these jobs required of them in that world.
     There are good reasons why Gods word says to NOT associate with others that are NOT believers of God and his word. This is because when we associate or live with others that are not believers, we unknowingly "step into their world"
God says if you are a believer to only associate with other believers for this very exact reason.  You would not say a roommate that is an atheist or a satanist to room with you "least you share their reality", if you get what I mean. 
     Birds of a feather, flock together my Dad use to always say....theres a good reason to flock with ONLY YOUR KIND. 
     Hang in there GS victims, know that you work for God and your there for Heavenly reasons. God bless you on your journeys Amen

Here is a great article that a man wrote surrounding this exact topic 


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am really trying to understand how I could be living in a different world than I was originally but my same daughter is still here?
    Also, you said "ask a victim" they will tell you it's hell. I'm so confused. It is hell.. but how can it be happening in another world and then my normal non victim friend that Co existing with me will then get to ask me about that dimension??
