Thursday, December 20, 2018

FACEBOOK is the Lions Lair!

     Before I get started on this topic first its important that readers know that the internet itself can and DOES transcend time AND dimensions.  I am not a mathematical genius or a physicist but I am a messenger for the Lord and the Lord has made me privy to the enemies schemes.  On that note, its my responsibility to inform the world as to what really is going on, not just on Facebook BUT on most of all the social media sites today.  Lucifer himself and the fallen angels HAVE BROKEN THROUGH the natural barrier (veil) that God had put into place for our protection from these things via "technology". The technology that has been created in our generation has created "doorways and portals" , in other words, "digital portals".  There is a dangerous technology that has been created almost 17 years back called CERN. CERNS technology has played the running frontier in breaking through the "veil" between our world and that of the world where Satan and the fallen angels have been kept in all this time as a prison;

CERN Update - CERN Activating Lucifer Project

     Effectively through CERN and correlating technologies they have successfully broken through into our space time continuum via the "internet" as their tool to manifest and speak DIRECTLY TO YOU on chat if they so wish and they ARE talking with unwitting people who think they are talking to their "Facebook friends".....friends they have never met in real life but really.....some of these people are talking DIRECTLY to demons and or fallen angels themselves! If just chatting with these beings was all the harm they could do I would not be writing this blog BUT....I am sorry to have to tell you readers that chatting is only the beginning of the LARGER  problem.  THREW this technology they can directly access your very other words YES...while chatting with them they CAN actually physically manifest in your home environment and even after some time chatting with them actually POSSESS your person as well. 
     How may you ask could this happen? Well heres how it goes.  Its common knowledge to the paranormal ghost hunting communities that demons and spirits use ''electricity and water" as a conduit to physically manifest in select environments. The select environments must have just the right formulations for the manifestations to occur. Such as a past of violence in the home or on the property or a home built over a forgotten cemetery, even if a home is filled with mildew, just to name a few.  Demons do even need to use the electricity anymore to manifest because they have all the right environmental ingredients, namely the WIFI FIELDS and YOUR computer....your computer, cell phone, tablet or any technical device is used as a "receiver" and the WIFI fields is the delivery method. Ever hear that old saying...."I've got your number"? Well each and every technological device HAS a number, your ISP....I am stopping right here and will be finishing this blog at a later date when I have more time but wanted to hurry and get at least this information out to the public NOW....its imperative that the public is made aware of one of todays most dangerous methods of attacks on your person.
     CERN in all actuality has caused what some has coined the "Mandela Effect", displacing people in alternate parallel earth worlds or in other words, Lucifer tried to play God again and messed up a whole lot of earth time continuum's and just think....this is only the BEGINNING of CERNS attempt on breaking into new time lines and new parallel universes just to name a few. With this in mind our near future looks bleak but remember that this technological age will see its day and come to abrupt end when Christ returns.
     Make no mistake about it....Lucifer IS on YOUR Facebook and controls the entire operation outside or maybe even inside of Mark Zuckerbergs own knowledge.  DON'T chat with anyone you dont know personally.  In my personal opinion, to be absolutely safe, it would be best to totally delete your Facebook account but if you cant bring yourself to do this then take precautions and protect yourself.  


Published on Jan 3, 2019

God bless us all in this new technological age Amen! 
(egy lohem kadosh)

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