Sunday, December 30, 2018


Mandela  Effect

The Tribulation did NOT come about with big bangs, fireworks or an announcement folks...nope....its been happening "right under our noses"....think on that....the enemy is sly...he sure would not want people to know or have any warning in advance so they could get right with he would apply a war strategy like any other commander announcement and in fact his strategy this time around is much like cooking a frog in wont even know your being cooked until its too late.  I believe that 911 marked the beginning of the Tribulation and President Bush "Bombing the Moon" shortly after 911 sure did not help any but that's a whole other story there.  The Tribulation little did we know would include "times and natural laws" being changed on us....this is how the enemy is confusing humanity.

CERN- Was the key to the Abyss (already opened) Silent warfare.
Revelation 9:1
The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.

MANDELA EFFECT-Displacement into Parallel Earth Worlds from the ACTIONS of CERN
Daniel 7:25
'He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend (to make alterations in times and in law); and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time

I will be finishing this post sometime later this week....God bless us all in these last hours!

BLUE or BLACK Night Time Skies...Which Skies do you see???

BLUE or BLACK Night Time Skies...Which Skies do you see??? Some are calling this the "Mandela Effect"........

Heres what the REAL night time skies are suppose to look like......FILLED with TONS OF STARS with a black background......what skies to you see? Do you see the BLUE NIGHT TIME SKIES WITH FEW STARS OR DO YOU SEE THE BLACK NIGHT TIME SKIES WITH BILLIONS OF STARS? View the link below to see a BLACK sky filled with stars;

Now here is a photo of what MY SKIES look like each night ALL BLUE JUST LIKE DAY TIME BLUE.......

I communicate a lot with many people across the world from all cultures and tongues ....there are some people that are NOW seeing ALL BLUE NIGHT TIME SKIES just as blue AS DAY TIME and others are still seeing the ALL BLACK NIGHT TIME SKIES WITH BILLIONS OF STARS.....



1.) Trumpet sounds have been going off in the skies since in or around 2011. Whole cities and States have heard them, so there is no denying these strange sounds. I picked these selected videos for demonstration. There are "newer" videos depicting the same scenarios in 2018 as well. See reference below; 

Strange Sounds in the Sky HAPPENING WORLDWIDE 2016... (Real Footage!)

Published on Jan 16, 2016

2.)  Strange booming noises coming from "underground" all of the world since in or around 2011, (heard all over the globe). I picked these selected videos for demonstration. There are "newer" videos depicting the same scenarios in 2018 as well. See reference below;

What is COMING? Mysterious Booms Across the USA
Published on Nov 22, 2017

3.)  Lakes, rivers and oceans HAVE turned BLOOD RED since in or around 2011. I picked these selected videos for demonstration. There are "newer" videos depicting the same scenarios in 2018 as well. See reference below;


Published on May 15, 2012

4.)  Oceans ARE disappearing since in or around 2011. I picked these selected videos for demonstration. There are "newer" videos depicting the same scenarios in 2018 as well. See reference below;

Where is all the water disappearing to? Major bodies of water vanishing globally!

Published on Oct 8, 2017

5.)  Sink holes have been happening at record breaking amounts all over the world since in or around 2011.  I picked these selected videos for demonstration. There are "newer" videos depicting the same scenarios in 2018 as well. See reference below;

Sink Holes and Bible Prophecy - A must hear!

Published on May 3, 2016

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Alexa the New Ouija Board ....A Modern Tesla Spirit Box???

Spooky Tesla Spirit Radio

Published on Oct 25, 2009

Even Tesla knew way back in 1918 that devices made of electronics were used as "conduits" for spirit manifestations.  Don't even try to tell me that those in power did not advance Teslas initial findings and tweaked them to their own advantages LONG AGO. Our modern computers and all devices are conduits for unseen spirits and yes even Demons. I am afraid that this new Alexa will be encouraging communications with the unseen spirits. Any electronic can be a conduit for spirits...the difference between Alexa and other modern electronics is that it encourages direct communications with IT, unlike say using your tablet. We dont talk to our tablets but I will be darn we will be communicating with this new talking electronic called Alexa just as if she is our new friend and our FORTUNE TELLER.....I can just foresee where all this is going to go and people around the internet have already been sharing their spooky stories about the strange things Alexa has been doing "OUTSIDE of what manufactures claimed she is capable of doing" . If you want to talk directly to spirits so be it but God has warned us of "Fortune tellers, witchery and sorcery" cant say you have not been warned after reading this article. If you got one of those Alexa's or one similar manufactured one......throw it out in the trash before things get REALLY WEIRD in your household. AMEN 

Isaiah 8:19-20
When they say to you, "Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter," should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn

Jeremiah 27:9-10
But as for you, do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your dreamers, your soothsayers or your sorcerers who speak to you, saying, 'You will not serve the king of Babylon.' "For they prophesy a lie to you in order to remove you far from your land; and I will drive you out and you will perish

Leviticus 20:6

As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people.


I am one of many that has been appointed by the Lord to bring and remind humanity, the TRUTH, through the Holy Spirit. These ARE THOSE DAYS and I am not the only modern day prophet for the Lord....since in or around the years 2011-2012 many like myself have arose from ALL parts of the world, all cultures and in all languages. Led by the Holy Spirit we have much to relay and each of us seem to have specific roles/jobs we are to accomplish. 

I was accomplishing my appointed job very well the first from 2011-2016...I was posting photos of what was going on in the skies and ministering the truth that the Lord wants the world to know but in 2016 ooooooooooooohhhh boy, I made a serious WRONG turn. Though I made this shamefully wrong turn, I truthfully believe that my wrong turn was also planned out by the Lord so that experiencing these things first hand, I could then bear witness of these things that can happen to people WHEN THEY DANCE AROUND THE FRINGES OF THE NEW AGE.....The New Age agenda is a MAJOR NO NO!!  I started to look into things like Reiki, things like freeing your consciousness and how to ascend to the 5th Dimension.  I truly in my own mind thought that God would want us to expand our spiritual knowledge in these different ways...oh I was sooooo wrong!
We as humans are to stay right here on level ground, in the REAL world that God made for us....we are NOT to dabble in Heavenly matters that ONLY GOD has control of.  All this talk about ascending into the 4th or 5th dimension is  Satan himself asking Eve and Adam to bite that apple all over again but this time his targets are us and in THIS AGE Satan has put a NEW twist on taking part in the forbidden knowledge. There is a REALLY GOOD REASON that we as human do NOT take part in forbidden knowledge....its forbidden for a very GOOD reason that later I will be writing about.  Ever hear the old saying, "ignorance is bliss"??? Better to be ignorant than to take the New Age BAIT.

After talking with a couple of different new agers in private chat, I started to experience "spiritual attacks", not just in my mind but inside and outside my body as well. The attacks had gotten so severe that in haste, out of sheer madness I reached out to of all people another "New Age healer" instead of contacting a priest! I was so disillusioned that I did not stop to put things together...did not occur to me that my attacks started after talking to those New Agers. I should have called a priest immediately but instead I reached out to what I thought was a "New Age Healer". Now things got WAY WORSE! Who could have thought that spiritual attacks could get any worse then they were already BUT YEP! This "thing" posing as a New Age healer was something "other worldly"....NOT HUMAN....Later I realized, truely that he was a DEMON.  Demons ARE ONLINE, ON THE INTERNET ALIVE AND WELL TRUST ME!! Immediately within 20 minutes after chatting with him for the FIRST and ONLY time....he said something to the effect "Feel my vibrations"....I asked what he meant by feeling his vibrations? He said, I am going to send "healing vibrations" to you right now and before I could even say a word, to tell him not to do that, I suddenly FELT VIBRATIONS COMING FROM THE ''WIFI ROUTER"!!!!!!!!!!! The vibrations started from my feet up through my head. He asked do you feel my vibrations yet??? I immediately unplugged the wifi router and shut the computer down!! Seems it was too late, what ever cam through that wifi router was with me now, I could NOT get rid of it!  

I started to FEEL SNAKES moving around inside my body after that lunatic demon sent his healing vibrations to me!

JESUS just recently, the past 2 weeks now, FREED me from the snakes and the evil that demon sent me. This is why I am now able to get back to writing and talking about my experiences because I am now more coherent and can now think more clearly since the majority of the attacks are GONE!.. HALLELUJAH GLORY TO GOD AND JESUS FOR MY DELIVERANCE!!!
I will continue this story at another time because of its intensity and sensitivity surrounding this whole kind of drains my mind.
WILL be continued later this week
God bless us all during these days were in  AMEN!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

LEVEL GROUND is where you Want to be; If a New Ager says Ascension...RUN the other way!

It talks about being on LEVEL ground throughout the Bible. Just what do you think was meant by this term? Do you think it was metaphorical? Just a parable? a spiritual sense "our spirits" can WHILE ALIVE experience "below ground" OR experience "whats up in the air above us", all the while we our housed in our fleshly body. You know how you have some great weeks or times where everything just seems to go wrong?
Its like duality, while we are in our physical bodies our soul can experience other worldly things that are NOT on level ground. This is how it goes.....

When we make the cross with our hands, we first say "Father at the top of our heads"...then we go "son below on our stomachs", then we say "Holy Spirit from shoulder to shoulder". 
Which piece on the cross appears to resemble level ground??? Easy answer right? It's the shoulder to shoulder, the level part of the cross....the Holy Spirit.  

Psalms 143:10
Deliver me from my enemies, O LORD; I flee to You for refuge. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your good Spirit lead me on LEVEL GROUND.

Psalm 26:12 
My feet now stand on LEVEL GROUND. I will bless the LORD in the great congregation.

Its like this...unlike how the new agers are promoting "ascension of your consciousness/spirit", you DONT want to be any where near the "upper airwaves". Do you not know what it says in the bible about "spiritual wickedness in the higher places" ???

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil "IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS"

SATAN is the prince of the power of the "air"...
And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. (Ephesians 2:1-3)

The new agers are getting scammed by Satan, promoting "ascension" of their spiritual consciousness into the Heavenly realms. If your experiencing any type of spiritual attacks...KNOW that your in a place you should NOT be in.  

Stay on LEVEL GROUND where the LORD intended us to stay. How you may ask does one ensure their safety on level ground? Well, repenting of your sins and asking forgiveness of them to the Lord is a good start, then try living as much as a sin free life that you the Bible because the scriptures were designed specifically to PROTECT YOU FROM THAT SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.  

New Agers PLEASE reconsider what you have gotten yourself dont want to loose your very soul do you???


Here is a great article that a man wrote surrounding this exact topic 

God bless us in these end of days were approaching Amen!

Monday, December 24, 2018

The Sun and Moon Will try to Harm you During the Tribulation!

The Yellow sun and Moon as you know them will NOT be the same during the Tribulation. The REAL sun and moon will be REMOVED from earth and will be replaced with these living breathing entities that replica the original ones. This will be like nothing you nor world has EVER seen before. The Lord showed me what these entities look like, how they behave and what they will do to people who do not turn back to the Lord their God and repent.

Luke 21:25-26
There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among the nations, bewildered by the roaring of the sea and the surging of the waves. Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.…

Lets start out with with the basic lesson here to this Biblical verse below. I demonstrate three different versions of this scripture. One from the  New Living Translation, one from the English Standard Version and one from the Kings James Version.

Psalm 121:6
New Living Translation
The sun will not HARM you by day, nor the moon at night.
English Standard Version
The sun shall not STRIKE you by day, nor the moon by night

King James Bible
The sun shall not SMITE thee by day, nor the moon by night

You must concur with me that all three versions relay the same meaning but use slighting different wordings to deliver the message.

The entity Sun burns REAL hot and dehydrates people at lightening speed, giving them heat sickness and sun strokes from loss of fluids and and depletion of electrolytes. People can survive this if they call out to the Lord for protection, read the scriptures for protection, replace their electrolytes daily with Gatorade or a similar substance like Pedialyte and stay INDOORS when all possible.

The Moon entity directly attacks the heart and will jump your heart OFF rhythm. Again call out to the LORD AND REPENT IMMEDIATELY accepting JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and SAVIOR.  You can survive this too with the LORDS help, reading the scriptures, praying and using a type of "shielding", namely "Mylar".  Mylar was developed for astronauts to protect them from all kinds of different EMF's and from my own experiences witnessing these visions wrap your body with a Mylar blanket UNTIL the LORD deems you worthy for salvation through Christ. You can cut a square piece of this Mylar and place it under your clothes, covering your heart and chest area when you have to go outside of your home.  Really truefully, its really all up to the LORD if you will survive this or not....the Mylar is only a bandage..its DOES WORK to protect your heart but you know the old cant hide forever. So repent and ask the LORD JESUS CHRIST to save you from it all. You will actually be able to see these moon entities ''coming out from the moon towards you"...when you see them start praying and read the scriptures!
See below some videos I took during my visions of the entity sun and the entity moon;

Here is one of my strange Moon videos below....I have hundreds of them but will put just this one up for now;

Do yourself a HUGE favor...get right with GOD and JESUS now before this all goes down. God bless you and us all AMEN :)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Instructions for The Tribulation

FIRST and foremost you wont make it through what is coming without JESUS...
so the first thing your going to want to do is recite the salvation prayer;

       The Sinner's Prayer (by Dr. Ray Pritchard)
Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen.
Now while you are waiting on Jesus to either save you or "refine" you, start listening to the Bible scriptures online in the back ground while you go about your daily business and yes around the clock means 24/7
During the Tribulation people will experience SEVERE electrolyte losses with emphasis on (POTASSIUM LOSSES) In my visions the Lord showed me how ALL the grocery store "banana shelves" were wiped could NOT find one banana anywhere. I never really was sure what exactly caused the electrolyte losses but my best guess was that during that time in my visions the sun was burning REALLY REALLY HOT to the point people would get heat sickness just from walking outside in their yards.  People were dying from heart attacks from potassium losses, the heat from this sun caused, I believe the electrolyte losses. STOCK UP ON BOTTLES OF POTASSIUM.
The second MAJOR mineral losses was (VITAMIN D) Again, I am not sure exactly what was causing the vitamin D losses BUT in my own personal opinion it was the WIFI fields causing it. Maybe its going to be the 5G WIFI fields that are soon to be placed everywhere that is going to cause the vitamin D losses. I do know that the 5G WIFI is like 100+ times stronger than our current WIFI fields that our bodies are already subjected to. STOCK UP ON VITAMIN D.
DRINK TONS OF WATER DAILY! I believe that drinking a lot of water will flush out the "nano particles" that, by then, will have found their way into every ones body. Use some type of herbal detox as well.
Protect yourself from the "fiery darts" spoke of in the Bible by listening or reading Gods word DAILY.
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. — Ephesians 6:16
      "Our faith is increased by reading or listening to the word of God" 

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ

Ephesians 5:26

That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

Rainbow Halo Sun; the Seventh Trumpet Angel?

Revelation 10:1 

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

Photo by egy lohem kadosh~


Gang Stalking Victims are the Lords Workers Helping those in Demonic Realms

Sheep among Wolves

Matthew 10:22-23
You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next. Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

Matthew 10:16-17
Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. But beware of men; for they will hand you over to their councils and flog you in their synagogues.

     I use to be a victim of what people call "Gang Stalking" for most of my life up until about 2015....but JESUS REMOVED me from that demonic activity and I no longer experience these activities. Other victims can finally be set free from it through Christ if they so chose to call on Jesus. Most victims are so far into the deception that they cannot reason effectively concerning the activity that is going on around them and truly believe that "mere humans" are pulling off all these stunts. What the victims are experiencing is not coming from full fledged humans BUT is coming from the "Serpent Seed" humans in THEIR LOWER REALM. Plain and simple victims are dealing with the "Serpent seeds"...they are not fully fledged humans but are demonic in origin. This is the WHY's they are never caught. Serpents are sly as we all know. The serpent seeds have the advantage of knowing WHO WE ARE as I am sure you victims have noticed but were left in the dark as to WHO they are....your dealing with the demonic serpent seed line. The same serpent seed line as the Royal family, if this gives you an idea what your dealing with.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

     See just like there is different levels of Heaven and Hell there are different levels of "parallel earth worlds" too. The one parallel earth world that the Gang Stalking victims are in is, well, one of the ''lowest" earth worlds, kinda comparable to a higher up level of Hell itself. The victims, unknown to them, have been placed there by God himself for different reasons only know to God himself. This lower parallel earth world is like a type of Hell on earth. Ask any Gang Stalking victim and they will tell you its like Hell itself.    
     The sooner these victims realize they work for God and that they are there for specific protocols the sooner they will be apt to adapt easier to their surroundings and act accordingly. When the demonic activity starts up, they should start to recite Bible scriptures OUT LOUD until the activity subsides. In most cases the activity only subsides briefly as they are completely submerged into that level of consciousness of that parallel earth world.  The victims are there for Heavenly reasons only God himself knows.  They are suffering just as Jesus did when he came to this world to help the blind to see and deaf to hear Gods word. I am sure they will be greatly rewarded in Heaven for doing these jobs required of them in that world.
     There are good reasons why Gods word says to NOT associate with others that are NOT believers of God and his word. This is because when we associate or live with others that are not believers, we unknowingly "step into their world"
God says if you are a believer to only associate with other believers for this very exact reason.  You would not say a roommate that is an atheist or a satanist to room with you "least you share their reality", if you get what I mean. 
     Birds of a feather, flock together my Dad use to always say....theres a good reason to flock with ONLY YOUR KIND. 
     Hang in there GS victims, know that you work for God and your there for Heavenly reasons. God bless you on your journeys Amen

Here is a great article that a man wrote surrounding this exact topic 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

WWW = World Wide (SPIDER) WEB! WWW=Soul Catcher

                          "Plain and simple...the world wide web is the Devils playground"

The World Wide Web was not accidentally named, nope, it was strategically thought out. Webs are meant to catch prey......the WWW is meant to catch not pray but YOUR SOUL, so to speak.
Remember the Biblical scriptures tells us to NOT worship the Beast??? Well NOW are the days to adhere to that scripture. The longer period of time your on the net, the longer THEY can AFFECT your person. I've had some good advice from some higher ups that have filled me in....they say dont stay on the net longer than a half hour at a time.  So just who are "THEY"? They are minions, demons, fallen angels....what ever name you want to call them. Just know they ARE prowling the internet, kinda like fishing....just waiting for you to take their bait....DONT GET of the many ways people are getting hood winked is through the NEW AGE AGENDA....thats a rabbit hole the size of space think Alice had it bad....dabble in new age and you'll surely find out just how far Alice went in wonderland.....

Revelation 13:15
And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.


How Sin Separates us from God


See people got it all wrong...God does NOT want to punish us or to see us suffer, he did not set his commandments to be mean.....Gods word was made as a compass to GUIDE you SAFELY throughout your life. If one rebels themselves against Gods better judgement, then your taking on your own consequences from your own doings. Simply put...."sin separates us from God".....God does not separate us, we do this all on our own through our own sins.  God is so Holy and resonates at such a HIGH frequency that he is like pure light.... anything of darkness (sin is darkness) cannot resonate any where near Gods Holiness light.  So as you see, God does not shun us but we through our own sins resonate at a lower frequency and cannot reach anywhere near Gods pure light. When something goes wrong in their lives, they always ask why would God allow this to happen? Fact is, is that God gives us total freedom over our lives and does not usually intervene unless specifically asked too through prayer. God is all love, so when things go wrong blame the right party and we all know who that is....the enemy is the one who causes suffering and death but through the finished work of Christ on your behalf, being refined through Christ, you can once again stand in the presence of God. Amen

To Whom it may concern;

I am not attempting to be rude;
Just reminding those that are in positions to control what media is allowed to be seen by the general population, don't let yourself be held accountable by GOD in the end for keeping his modern day prophets messages from getting out to the public..  I am sure that you have noticed since in or around the years 2011-12 that God had his sleeping modern day prophets awake to their callings and God would not want his messages to be impeded upon. When I checked my stats, I was quite amazed to see that it said '28 unknown regions", under my view count. Now I am fairly positive as advanced as Google is in the way of technology that they could not locate the regions that these views came from LoL.....

God Loves you too and wants to see your salvation through Christ :) 
Always do what the right thing is to do.....
Ask Jesus to be your Lord and savior, turn from your sins and repent to God.
God bless you,

Images below;

Friday, December 21, 2018


Growing up as a Christian I accepted my Christian life and thrived on everything surrounding it, from singing in the church choir for ten years to volunteering in the church.  After turning 18 and meeting my future ex husband, I found his free, no care life style refreshing in comparison to my rigid Christian up bringing, maybe found his wild life style a little bit too fun you might say. I fell away from my Christian upbringing and took a leap into one might refer to, the underworld.  We partied like there was no tomorrow, having all night parties, sometimes all weekend parties.  I had actually wanted to become a nun or minister but those dreams were shoved somewhere in the back of my mind once I had a taste of exploring the underworld. 
     Like expected, my life was going no where down that road and the many sins I committed without a second thought, later I would seriously regret, not realizing at the time that my current actions could ever affect my future.  Like they say, young and dumb. 
     Thankfully and gratefully for me and everyone, we have JESUS CHRIST to cover our sins when we repent and ask for forgiveness of our human stupidity. I discovered later that there are consequences for every action we make in life, some might call it karma but Biblically your made to pay your dues for each and every choice we make in life. Its so TRUE that for every action there is a reaction, so tread very carefully on your path in life.  
      Bringing this story up to current times....could.....should scare you out of your wits when I get done telling you my testimony surrounding my experience with the New Age Agenda. In fact, it will make you shudder right down to your bones. 

This blog will continue by later tonight or tomorrow....follow my story God bless you and us all  Amen!