Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tony Fadell Wakes up in Cold Sweats wondering if he has participated in Blowing up Peoples Brains and Reprogramming Them!

From one of the top architects of the iPod, Tonl Fadell to Victor Frankenstein to ex Facebook President Sean Parker and even the top investors of Facebook are putting on their breaks and digging in their heals, demanding reform of their original creations that were once thought harmless but has now proved to be of a monstrous hijacking of minds in epic proportions.

 I wake up in cold sweats every so often thinking: what did we bring to the world?” said Tony Fadell, the founder of Nest and one of the key architects of the iPod, at a conference in June. “Did we really bring a nuclear bomb with information that can – like we see with fake news – blow up people’s brains and reprogram them?"

The creators of these monstrous technologies admit themselves that they do no allow their ''own children" any screen time on the net.....what should this tell us about our own children's safety as well as our own?

"Palihapitiya told CNBC that his own children were allowed “no screen time whatsoever”, while Parker, a father of two, said of social networking: “God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains"

Facebook has been hijacked by malicious, violent and authoritarian leaders???

"Social media scholars have been warning about the fact that Facebook has been hijacked by hateful groups, violent groups, authoritarian leaders. It’s just that very few people have been paying attention. It doesn’t take a huge intellectual leap to be a Facebook critic these dayS"

Their is a miserable monster of epic proportions on social media platforms???

"Victor Frankenstein recognized that his creation was a “miserable monster” on the very same “dreary night of November” that he created it."

Source for excerpts above;

As I keep warning people to stay OFF Facebook, I am discovering more and more evidence of the many reasons WHY to get off the FB platform.....there IS a monster on FB....its the "Seat of Satan"

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