Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Second Chance at Life; I've Been to Hell and Back WHILE ALIVE....Read my Testimonies!

Thanks to God and Jesus, they gave me a second chance at life again! :) Hallelujah!!!

I've been to Hell on Earth.  I did not know that anyone could actually experience karmic Hell on Earth while still ALIVE but it's TRUE that every action there is a reaction on all of our life decisions, Whether good or bad.  God may not show you explicitly your karmic details as he did with me but never the less, everyone who does wrong (sin) when they knew better than to do it has a price to pay whether they pay it while still alive or in the after life. There is NO getting out of your Karma, dead OR alive, we will all have something to pay for and will walk through the valley of death while we pay our debts before we can again stand in the presence of God.

God has chosen me to not only a living example of what SIN can do to you BUT he also chose me to be a "witness of the upcoming Tribulation".   Just what was my punishment??? Well God allowed me to not only witness what went on during the Tribulation BUT he let me FEEL all of what went down in the Tribulation so that I can now relay what is about to come upon the whole world. Let me tell the Tribulation is a knees buckling, knees knocking experience! I shutter just at the thought of what I witnessed and "experienced".

During the Tribulation, those that have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior will go through living Hell on Earth.  Not only will humans put implants in people BUT the aliens (fallen angels) will also put their own implants in you for the sheer reason to torture you. Once these implants are in place, they do all kinds of horrible things to your mind and body.

I will continue this blog later this evening or tomorrow on Feb 17th, 2019

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