Friday, February 1, 2019

The Lord Showed me Where the EXTRA RFID Transponder Chips (Mark of the Beast) Will be Placed into Peoples bodies

Yes, most of us know or have heard about the RFID chips being placed in peoples HANDS across the world. This procedure is a relatively new frontier but has gained momentum over the past several years with companies demanding that their employees get micro-chipped or they could loose their jobs. It seems the Beast system is using the big corporations as the forerunners in the chipping industry. They will SOON start hiding behind excuses of chipping the general public with slogans that most could hardly argue over, such as internal chips will eliminate identity theft, children and the handicapped could be recovered if they came up missing, that chipping would lower medical insurance frauds or other such financial frauds. Not to mention that chipping would ensure who is an authentic American resident and who is an illegal alien.  

But really folks....we ALL know by now through the grape vine that accepting these chips in ANY FORM is accepting "the mark of the BEAST" as prophesied in the Bible. 

What the Lord showed me surrounding this topic, goes as follows;

They will start out putting the chips into peoples hands, then a while after they will begin working on chipping inside our foreheads. The whole purpose that will be behind chipping people in their "foreheads" is because this is where what is known as "Our Third Eye" The chips will be placed right smack over your third eye area which is between your two eyebrows. See only GOD is suppose to have control over peoples third eyes and other celestial soul parts such as charkas...only GOD is to have control over these areas but the serpent seed line are trying to play God, trying to supper seed him via the use of occultist technologies. The chip placed over your "third eye" will open your spiritual sight, mind, body and soul to the "spirit world" and in the spirit world, there are A LOT of boggie mans best left to the imagination. The powers that be will have total control over the populous using these technologies on the third eye. 

They will not stop at putting just the hand implant and third eye implant but eventually they are going to proceed to place chip implants in BOTH bottoms of your feet, one chip to the left of your heart near your left rib cage (the heart chip will be used as an instant executive kill order that will offset your natural heart rhythm causing your heart to stop)
I not only SEEN this going on in visions but the Lord let me FEEL on a lower level what these implants feel like and how they work to control or destroy people.

When I felt the feet implants start up in me, I tried everything to get them to stop the buzzing (you will feel a buzzing/electrical feeling), I wrapped my feet in tin foil, stood on mylar sheets, nothing could stop it.  As bizarre as it sounds, the implants in the bottom of your feet are the ones used to possess your person of demonic spirits. The demonic spirits "come up ward through the bottom of your feet"....makse sense to me because below us, under our feet is where the demonic realm is located.  When my hand implants would start buzzing with electrical zaps, they would literally "crack" my hands wide open to where I had what looked like open gouges from a sharp instrument....the chips were burning my hands from the inside outward. When the heart chip would start buzzing in me, it would feel like a jolt of electricity hit my heart and my heart rythum would get off beat taking my breath away....I survived all of this through Jesus Christ....none of my implants work anymore...Jesus disabled them for me AMEN! This is what the whole world is going to be up against VERY SOON....plan ahead of time how you will get around the mandated chips such as getting yourself off the grid living or even moving to a 3rd world country. Anything would be better than getting chipped believe you and me lol...ugh....God bless us all amen!

Anyways, heads up, NEVER EVER let anyone force or talk you into accepting ANY implants into your body, this goes for the new medical devices as well.

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