Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Getting Closer to the Truth; Is Facebook Using Silent Sound To Affect Our Infrasonic Vibrations?


        "Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

"Could Facebook be using silent vibrational sounds, sounds that are beyond the scope of human hearing, affecting peoples minds, bodies and souls in ways we have yet to understand for the sheer purpose of keeping users addicted to its social site (not just for monetary gain) but for reasons we have yet to discover"  
- egy lohem kadosh

Is Facebook delivering silent sounds that affect your brain to keep you coming back???

Scientists, beyond any doubt have proven that each part of our bodies resonate at different frequencies as does all living things on Gods Earth. Its highly important what we subject ourselves too on a daily basis such our  environment that we surround ourselves with. Negativity can overwhelm our delicate infrasonic vibrations. What we allow into our lives and environment can affect us to where physical and or mental health issues can ensue. 

Links below on how different outside environmental frequencies can affect us in many different ways.

Good vibrations; The Science of Sound

Scientists research effects of infrasonic vibrations in humans


These are todays thoughts to PONDER on..... I believe I may be onto something here and the Lord will continue to direct my path in places where the FULL and FINAL TRUTH of what Facebook is doing to people will SOON emerge AMEN!

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