Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Essential Herbal Supplements You Will Need DURING The Tribulation

I know, I know, most of you dont think that we have entered the Tribulation prophesied in the book of Revelations but surely, I can, without any doubt tell that we ARE indeed in the midst of the Tribulation. Some are already feeling the effects of the Tribulation and others have YET to experience the effects. Your either feeling some of the Tribulation effects now OR you WILL be feeling them very on this note, knowing which essential herbal supplements you will need to 'survive" whats coming is a 'must have'.....

1.) POTASSIUM; I am not sure of the "why's" that our bodies loose LARGE amounts of potassium during the Tribulation, I just know what I am shown and taught by the Lord and ineffectually take his teachings and relay them to you.  In my visions that the Lord showed me, large amounts of potassium losses happen to everyone causing heart irregularities, heart attacks and abrupt stopping of the heart. Best to stock up now on Potassium while you can.

2.) VITAMIN D; I do not know what causes vitamin D losses, I was just shown by the Lord that serious Vitamin D losses occur within the human body during the Tribulation period. Stocking up on Vitamin D now is a smart idea.

3.) MELATONIN; In this aspect it seems the Lord has told me that our natural melatonin is not manufactured no longer due to the saturation of the electromagnetic fields directly from WIFI.
Stocking up on Melatonin is a wise move.

The Lord has shown me that in general, that our bodies will not be able to sustain or stabilize electrolytes within our bodies with emphasis on POTASSIUM.

As more comes to my mind that the Lord has shown me I will be updating regularly.
God bless us all during these last hours Amen!

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Luke 21:25
"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea"

This video below shows a strange star in the skies that I captured on film....the hour is nigh...please get right with God and Jesus Amen~




When you view these very strange cloud formations you might realize that we are NOW in the midst of the Tribulation......


Monday, February 18, 2019

Is this the Biblical Great Light Shining into our Dark World???

Is this the Biblical Great Light Shining into our Dark World???

                               Video footage taken by egy lohem kadosh on Feb 18th, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The people Living in Darkness Have Seen A Great Light!

"the people living in darkness have seen a great light;on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.” From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” 
Matt 4:16-17

Video below taken today on February 17th, 2019 by egy lohem kadosh

A Second Chance at Life; I've Been to Hell and Back WHILE ALIVE....Read my Testimonies!

Thanks to God and Jesus, they gave me a second chance at life again! :) Hallelujah!!!

I've been to Hell on Earth.  I did not know that anyone could actually experience karmic Hell on Earth while still ALIVE but it's TRUE that every action there is a reaction on all of our life decisions, Whether good or bad.  God may not show you explicitly your karmic details as he did with me but never the less, everyone who does wrong (sin) when they knew better than to do it has a price to pay whether they pay it while still alive or in the after life. There is NO getting out of your Karma, dead OR alive, we will all have something to pay for and will walk through the valley of death while we pay our debts before we can again stand in the presence of God.

God has chosen me to not only a living example of what SIN can do to you BUT he also chose me to be a "witness of the upcoming Tribulation".   Just what was my punishment??? Well God allowed me to not only witness what went on during the Tribulation BUT he let me FEEL all of what went down in the Tribulation so that I can now relay what is about to come upon the whole world. Let me tell the Tribulation is a knees buckling, knees knocking experience! I shutter just at the thought of what I witnessed and "experienced".

During the Tribulation, those that have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior will go through living Hell on Earth.  Not only will humans put implants in people BUT the aliens (fallen angels) will also put their own implants in you for the sheer reason to torture you. Once these implants are in place, they do all kinds of horrible things to your mind and body.

I will continue this blog later this evening or tomorrow on Feb 17th, 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Getting Closer to the Truth; Is Facebook Using Silent Sound To Affect Our Infrasonic Vibrations?


        "Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

"Could Facebook be using silent vibrational sounds, sounds that are beyond the scope of human hearing, affecting peoples minds, bodies and souls in ways we have yet to understand for the sheer purpose of keeping users addicted to its social site (not just for monetary gain) but for reasons we have yet to discover"  
- egy lohem kadosh

Is Facebook delivering silent sounds that affect your brain to keep you coming back???

Scientists, beyond any doubt have proven that each part of our bodies resonate at different frequencies as does all living things on Gods Earth. Its highly important what we subject ourselves too on a daily basis such our  environment that we surround ourselves with. Negativity can overwhelm our delicate infrasonic vibrations. What we allow into our lives and environment can affect us to where physical and or mental health issues can ensue. 

Links below on how different outside environmental frequencies can affect us in many different ways.

Good vibrations; The Science of Sound

Scientists research effects of infrasonic vibrations in humans

These are todays thoughts to PONDER on..... I believe I may be onto something here and the Lord will continue to direct my path in places where the FULL and FINAL TRUTH of what Facebook is doing to people will SOON emerge AMEN!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Recent Bans on Alex Jones just Goes to show he HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD....OUCH!!

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." 
                                                  Isaiah 5:20

We KNEW this day was coming didn't we?  If we look hard enough, we can, today, effectually label anyone and everyone according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders the (DSM).  Political correctness rings the SAME tone, effectually we can now label anyone a minority. Even the white man can be considered a minority now, in fact the white man today is at the top of the minority list! Wow, right? In fact anyone with a conservative view these days can be considered a perpetrator  against political correctness. They planned it all out pretty good I'd where what is considered evil in Gods eyes is now considered a political correctness issue. 

Christians have even been put on the terrorist lists because they are conservative and could in all probably (according to select government) put up a resistance against the growing political correctness in our country. The REAL minorities today are anyone with a conservative view. Fact is those of us who have a conservative view in all reality are the NEW minorities! The conservationist need to start yelling injustice, that we are being singled out as a minority in all reality. Freedom of speech is definitely on its way to the back of the line. What is right and just is now considered offensive and what is evil is now considered a natural right by the left wing.  

"The Alex Jones Channel has been permanently DELETED by YouTube. This is a coordinated PURGE. This is political censorship," Watson tweeted. "Apple, Spotify, Facebook and now Google (which owns YouTube) - all within 12 hours of each other. A coordinated purge. This is a total abuse of power".

Sorry Alex Jones that you were right on the money, that you were right on spot about the shady powers that be (but wont be when Christ returns SOON)....we know what time it is in the days of Noah, so too will be the same times when  Christ returns. Id say according to the worlds far left winged agendas its definitely the days of Noah NOW....hang onto your boot straps conservatives because this ride is about to get bumpy over the next 5 years or so.

“The censorship of Infowars just vindicates everything we’ve been saying,” Jones tweeted after the bans. (He has since been banned from Twitter). “Now, who will stand against Tyranny and who will stand for free speech? We’re all Alex Jones now.”

Thank you Alex Jones for bringing TRUTH to the've made a nuclear impact in the lefties agendas!

God bless us all during these days ...Christ is returning REAL SOON ..Amen!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tony Fadell Wakes up in Cold Sweats wondering if he has participated in Blowing up Peoples Brains and Reprogramming Them!

From one of the top architects of the iPod, Tonl Fadell to Victor Frankenstein to ex Facebook President Sean Parker and even the top investors of Facebook are putting on their breaks and digging in their heals, demanding reform of their original creations that were once thought harmless but has now proved to be of a monstrous hijacking of minds in epic proportions.

 I wake up in cold sweats every so often thinking: what did we bring to the world?” said Tony Fadell, the founder of Nest and one of the key architects of the iPod, at a conference in June. “Did we really bring a nuclear bomb with information that can – like we see with fake news – blow up people’s brains and reprogram them?"

The creators of these monstrous technologies admit themselves that they do no allow their ''own children" any screen time on the net.....what should this tell us about our own children's safety as well as our own?

"Palihapitiya told CNBC that his own children were allowed “no screen time whatsoever”, while Parker, a father of two, said of social networking: “God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains"

Facebook has been hijacked by malicious, violent and authoritarian leaders???

"Social media scholars have been warning about the fact that Facebook has been hijacked by hateful groups, violent groups, authoritarian leaders. It’s just that very few people have been paying attention. It doesn’t take a huge intellectual leap to be a Facebook critic these dayS"

Their is a miserable monster of epic proportions on social media platforms???

"Victor Frankenstein recognized that his creation was a “miserable monster” on the very same “dreary night of November” that he created it."

Source for excerpts above;

As I keep warning people to stay OFF Facebook, I am discovering more and more evidence of the many reasons WHY to get off the FB platform.....there IS a monster on FB....its the "Seat of Satan"

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ex Facebook President Sean Parker Says he REGRETS Participating in the Making of the TECHNOLOGIES used ON FACEBOOK

View below all the comments that came from Sean Parker, ex President of Facebook....he KNOWS exactly what I have been saying all along about the site Facebook but he cannot come right out and say how DEEP the rabbit hole goes concerning this technology he is referring to....basically, the technology started out as advance technology BUT later the technology took on a "Life of its own"......basically Facebook is possessed ....I say no more....just know not to dabble into Facebook any more than you have least you find out how deep that rabbit hole goes.....and yes, I call it the "Seat of  Lucifer himself"......and NO joke either....hmmmm

 The list below are all comments coming from Sean Parker himself;

“All of us are jacked into this system,” he said. “All of our minds can be hijacked. Our choices are not as free as we think they are.”

He explained that when Facebook was being developed the objective was: “How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?” 

“It literally changes your relationship with society, with each other. It probably interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” he said.

Parker is not the only Silicon Valley entrepreneur to express REGRET over the technologies he helped to develop. The former Googler Tristan Harris is one of several techies interviewed by the Guardian in October to criticize the industry.
Finally my POINT has been made AMEN! Praise God for exposure of these technologies used against the public!

Below is Sean Parkers live video interview;

Whats that Bright Star in the North West Skies??? hmmmm

BRIGHT STAR In the North West Sky!! WTH is that???!! April 2018

video by egy lohem kadosh

(Ummmmm it sure dont look like a star when I zoomed in on it)

Sunday, February 3, 2019

UFO Craft and CREATURES Emerging from the WHITE SUN!

UFO Craft and CREATURES Emerging from the WHITE SUN!

Video taken by egy lohem kadosh

GOOGLE PLUS is Shutting it's Doors April 2nd!!

We all know what this means..........that Facebook will effectually have the entire social media  market totally cornered

Want to know "why" Google plus is shutting down? Its because of "Security concerns" hmmmm....I know, yea, everyone is going to think its because other countries have hacked into their platform or some other reasons. I personally feel its because the Luciferian peeps have totally taken over Google Plus. There is no doubt in my mind that they have not only taken over Google plus but Facebook is totally infiltrated by them as well. Facebook is censoring anyone whom tries to wake the masses and not only being censored but are targeted for attacks of ALL forms. At least Google has a conscious enough to shut OUT the Luciferians since even they, Google, KNOWS they are up against forces they cant control or eliminate, so therefore they came up with the conclusion to just shut them out by shutting down. Hands up to Google!

Google says the security mishap has something to do with a ''third party app" that compromised their users privacy. Oh yes, I would tend to agree that users security has been compromise and compromised by the Luciferians that is what the REAL issue is. The  Luciferians ARE THE 3RD PARTY APP....

SOON the entire internet (most of it) will be under the control of the New World Order Luciferians. They are attempting to snuff out GODS word and the words of his messengers and modern day prophets from the world. Finding Gods word and messages from his messengers is NOW of utmost importance because LATER, people will not be able to find these messages to forewarn the world. 
Amos 8:12
They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the LORD, but they shall not find it

See below some excerpts from some articles surrounding Google Plus shut down; 

Citing The Mercury News, The Hill reported that the service is being shut down on April 2 due to  security concerns.

The report further said the service was scheduled to be closed in August, but Google announced that a vulnerability affecting millions of users forced it to expedite the process.

SEEK GODS WORD, his messages from all the truthers, prophets and messengers while you still can....

God bless you,
Love egy :)

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Lord Showed me Where the EXTRA RFID Transponder Chips (Mark of the Beast) Will be Placed into Peoples bodies

Yes, most of us know or have heard about the RFID chips being placed in peoples HANDS across the world. This procedure is a relatively new frontier but has gained momentum over the past several years with companies demanding that their employees get micro-chipped or they could loose their jobs. It seems the Beast system is using the big corporations as the forerunners in the chipping industry. They will SOON start hiding behind excuses of chipping the general public with slogans that most could hardly argue over, such as internal chips will eliminate identity theft, children and the handicapped could be recovered if they came up missing, that chipping would lower medical insurance frauds or other such financial frauds. Not to mention that chipping would ensure who is an authentic American resident and who is an illegal alien.  

But really folks....we ALL know by now through the grape vine that accepting these chips in ANY FORM is accepting "the mark of the BEAST" as prophesied in the Bible. 

What the Lord showed me surrounding this topic, goes as follows;

They will start out putting the chips into peoples hands, then a while after they will begin working on chipping inside our foreheads. The whole purpose that will be behind chipping people in their "foreheads" is because this is where what is known as "Our Third Eye" The chips will be placed right smack over your third eye area which is between your two eyebrows. See only GOD is suppose to have control over peoples third eyes and other celestial soul parts such as charkas...only GOD is to have control over these areas but the serpent seed line are trying to play God, trying to supper seed him via the use of occultist technologies. The chip placed over your "third eye" will open your spiritual sight, mind, body and soul to the "spirit world" and in the spirit world, there are A LOT of boggie mans best left to the imagination. The powers that be will have total control over the populous using these technologies on the third eye. 

They will not stop at putting just the hand implant and third eye implant but eventually they are going to proceed to place chip implants in BOTH bottoms of your feet, one chip to the left of your heart near your left rib cage (the heart chip will be used as an instant executive kill order that will offset your natural heart rhythm causing your heart to stop)
I not only SEEN this going on in visions but the Lord let me FEEL on a lower level what these implants feel like and how they work to control or destroy people.

When I felt the feet implants start up in me, I tried everything to get them to stop the buzzing (you will feel a buzzing/electrical feeling), I wrapped my feet in tin foil, stood on mylar sheets, nothing could stop it.  As bizarre as it sounds, the implants in the bottom of your feet are the ones used to possess your person of demonic spirits. The demonic spirits "come up ward through the bottom of your feet"....makse sense to me because below us, under our feet is where the demonic realm is located.  When my hand implants would start buzzing with electrical zaps, they would literally "crack" my hands wide open to where I had what looked like open gouges from a sharp instrument....the chips were burning my hands from the inside outward. When the heart chip would start buzzing in me, it would feel like a jolt of electricity hit my heart and my heart rythum would get off beat taking my breath away....I survived all of this through Jesus Christ....none of my implants work anymore...Jesus disabled them for me AMEN! This is what the whole world is going to be up against VERY SOON....plan ahead of time how you will get around the mandated chips such as getting yourself off the grid living or even moving to a 3rd world country. Anything would be better than getting chipped believe you and me lol...ugh....God bless us all amen!

Anyways, heads up, NEVER EVER let anyone force or talk you into accepting ANY implants into your body, this goes for the new medical devices as well.

A White Sun in the Skies Looks FLAT TODAY....strange lol