Wednesday, March 13, 2019

SURPRISE! FACEBOOK IS ON THE DARK WEB Where Murderers, Rapists and Pedophiles Conduct their Evil

Facebook claims that by putting their site on the DARK WEB will effectually keep users identities more secure by using the software TOR  (LOL) ...yea ok...well I am no software expert but common sense should tell anyone that by Facebook running their site on the dark web has compromised their users identities even more!
Facebook claims that by "bouncing around on the dark web" through extra encrypted jumps to "random computers around the internet" will keep their users protected. Sorry, have to (LOL) again ugh! 
All new things smell of roses AT FIRST but later on down the road the original plan usually unravels in some form or fashion. This bold move by Facebook subjecting their users to the dark web, even for the sake of higher security, I am afraid will back fire and most likely has ALREADY backfired on them and US. 
There is a lot of loose ends when it comes to Facebook and my suggestion to all, is to get OFF Facebook now. My personal opinion of Facebook is that its the "seat of Satan" himself and that their is a DIRECT blue tooth connection straight to the PIT itself but hay I am just someone you dont even know rambling on BUT the Lord HAS showed me visions and HAS made me privy to spiritual matters that most do not possess. The Lord teaches me and my job is to relay his teachings to the public for their own safety and for the very safety of their God given SOUL.  So on this note, do you and your family a huge favor and get OFF Facebook before its too late for you AMEN :) 


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