Saturday, March 2, 2019

Electromagnetic Fields and Quantum Physics; The creation of Gateways

Electromagnetic Fields and Quantum Physics; The creation of Gateways

There is no doubt that technology is being used throughout the internet but why? What is not being understood is that the interconnected satanic occultists across the globe are using the principles of physics to manipulate matter, space and time. They, the government scientists of the world
have already discovered that "electromagnetic fields, radio waves and or microwaves" are able to "open up door ways" into parallel dimensions and into other worldly space time continuum's. This is why there is such a push for all the electromagnetic and microwave technologies to be built up around us..."everywhere", not to mention the new 5G coming out, who knows what that new frequency will do.
In effect, they are not only creating doorways but attempting to make the ENTIRE PLANET one big gateway, to where the veil between the parallel worlds will no longer exist, allowing other worldly beings (the demons) to enter into our world with ease, just as the bible predicted. The electromagnetic grid that is slowly encompassing our world, I believe, in theory, is affecting our global ecosystem and disturbing our planets natural magnetic fields. Research these three subjects below and you will put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Paranormal, Spirits and Electromagnetic fields;

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