Thursday, February 4, 2021

Chemtrails=Supernatural Origins

Ever wonder why NO ONE has ever been caught or held accountable for the Chemtrails??? Their origins are supernaturally sourced, that's why. The governments are just as confused about their source as the population is. I have in my possession many videos of phantom planes blowing out Chemtrails in action heading straight down towards the ground and then the phantom plane disappears instead of crashing into the ground. Like wise I have videos showing these phantom planes coming straight up FROM the ground as if they were a rocket shooting straight upward at a 90 degree angle! Of course this is just impossible if we use our rational reasoning.  There ARE supernatural things transpiring around us in this world, so much more than anyone would care to realize or believe. 

The photo above is showing two Chemtrails coming straight up from the GROUND! I personally took this photo as it was happening.  I just took another video of a Chemtrail coming straight up from the ground on Feb 1st, 2021 a few days ago, here is the live video....

Chemtrails are but just ONE Biblical sign of the end times (the book of Revelations). Being Christ centered should be your priority in these end of days times.....turn away from your sinful ways and come back to God....time is very short now for you to make your decision on which eternal path you choose to take.  God Bless you Amen!

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