Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Demonic Attacks WHILE ON FACEBOOK!

I truly do not know the EXTENT of what is going on with Facebook but I am surmising that there it some type of dark occultic technology being used on their site.  Mind mapping and mind reading through technology are only a very few that I feel is being used on Facebook. Judging from what ex employees and ex Facebook president have revealed I feel its safe to surmise that these technologies and many of techs are being used on an experimental basis on you and other Facebook members. The use of "quantum computing" I believe is being used on Facebook as well and quantum computing is known to "summons demons and aliens" according to and self admitting, from the inventor of quantum computing himself, (GEORDIE ROSE).
All I know is that I experienced SEVERE demonic attacks WHILE I was on Facebook. I have now totally sworn off Facebook and will never again visit my FB page, ever again due to demonic activity and nature of FB. Since I have left FB.....guess what??? I now NO LONGER experience demonic attacks!!! The demonic attacks are GONE NOW!!! This alone told me everything  I needed to know about what FB is doing on it's site. It should also tell you that whether your a sensitive person like me who feels things others cannot, that the demons are most likely trying to do a number on you as well.  GET OFF FACEBOOK for the sake of your own life and the sake of your very SOUL.....


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