Monday, February 28, 2022

Living with PTSD and Anxiety; Visions and Hallucinations

 After going through seeing visions for over 6 years I developed PTSD. To this day what the doctors say were hallucinations were to me very real visions of things to come, the Tribulation.  The visions were so traumatic that I developed an anxiety/panic disorder and landed on disability, no longer being able to work.  I sit home day after day, afraid of leaving home. I have to muster what little braveness I have in me to just go grocery shopping. I miss visiting my family and friends. People who do not have this anxiety/panic disorder dont understand my plight. Some know about my visions or hallucinations, which ever you choose to believe and view me as someone who had lost their mind. No longer do I have visions or hallucinations, thank the Lord!  Remaining though is my extreme anxiety that lingers on long after the visions stopped.  The one thing I noticed is the more time you've got to think on things the worse the anxiety. When I am visiting with a friend I forget all about everything and the anxiety is put on the back burner. So for those living with anxiety, your best bet is to actually try to get back to work or keep real busy doing other things even though it may be scary at first, once you get busy, you get better.  So choose to start getting busy, writing a book, blogging, maybe go live on youtube or get back to work. Keep moving and keep busy and before long your anxiety will be in your rear view mirror. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

I Forgot all about God

 I am not sure how it happened...I grew up as a Christian in a Lutheran church but along the way in life I forgot all about my upbringing in the church and even it seems about God.  I married a man who was into drinking and drugs which ensued daily and weekly drama that would make anyone's head swirl. Somehow I got sucked into his dark world whether I wanted to or not, every one of his actions affected how I responded to my world around me. 

God was definitely not part of our marriage nor our lives. I realize now what a serious mistake it was not putting God center of our lives and for the first time in my life darkness surrounded me. Abuse became part of the equation...that comes along with drinking and drugs. How can someone forget about God? When your struggling day by day just to survive your situation you tend to forget about family, friends and yes sometimes even God.

How can you find your way back to God?

Ask God to help you find your way back to him;

Psalm 139:23-24“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

 John 13:14, Jesus promises: “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

Sometimes we have to work at reconnecting with God which means searching and reading the scriptures. Make a pledge to read one scripture a day, this will draw you closer to God and lets not forget about prayer. God wants to hear from you daily, just as a friend likes to hear from you God wants you to be friends with him too. I talk with God daily as if I would talk with a friend, in fact he is now my best friend and this is the way its suppose to be. Without God center in our lives, our lives could go wayward onto a different path, one that could lead to darkness.

Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way And the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the LORD, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.” – Isaiah 55:6-7 (NIV)

God bless you and may the Lord have mercy on you Amen~

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Chemtrails=Supernatural Origins

Ever wonder why NO ONE has ever been caught or held accountable for the Chemtrails??? Their origins are supernaturally sourced, that's why. The governments are just as confused about their source as the population is. I have in my possession many videos of phantom planes blowing out Chemtrails in action heading straight down towards the ground and then the phantom plane disappears instead of crashing into the ground. Like wise I have videos showing these phantom planes coming straight up FROM the ground as if they were a rocket shooting straight upward at a 90 degree angle! Of course this is just impossible if we use our rational reasoning.  There ARE supernatural things transpiring around us in this world, so much more than anyone would care to realize or believe. 

The photo above is showing two Chemtrails coming straight up from the GROUND! I personally took this photo as it was happening.  I just took another video of a Chemtrail coming straight up from the ground on Feb 1st, 2021 a few days ago, here is the live video....

Chemtrails are but just ONE Biblical sign of the end times (the book of Revelations). Being Christ centered should be your priority in these end of days times.....turn away from your sinful ways and come back to God....time is very short now for you to make your decision on which eternal path you choose to take.  God Bless you Amen!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

WiFi and the Targeted Individual

If your a T.I. its already ran across your mind, being that WIFI can and IS being used as a targeting tool against your person.  I know even you, as a T.I. will find this hard to believe but your perpetrators are "demonic in origin" and guess what? Demons travel not only along and through any and all electrical devices but the demons utilize the WIFI fields as well and is their now preferred way to partially materialize in our physical realm of existence. If your not a target individual then none of what I am informing you of makes a difference because you will not be affected like those who are targeted.  

Why is it that some are targeted? I personally believe that those that are targeted are people who were sent by God into this world to do specific angelic jobs and jobs that ONLY God knows what they are doing here to perform.  Maybe just their presence in this world brings a light, a light that only God understands. Here nor there, people are being targeted by dark forces and just why would dark forces target certain people and not others? Again because these people must be here doing Heavenly jobs for God.  Satan and his legions would have no reason to target those already asleep but if your of the Godly army, sure would be a priority target by Satan and his demons wouldn't you?  Seems like a no brainer to me but for some of you, you may find the spirit world a bit hard to swallow.

Now that we got that out of the way lets talk about your WIFI connections.  EMF's are a demons favorite mode of traversing...God knew this day was coming when the whole world would be covered in man made WIFI fields...maybe this was why God said to flee the cities in the end times? The specific Bible verse that says to flee the cities is;  

Luke 21:21

"Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city."

Are we in Judea now? 

Only God knows but we as individuals can take personal responsibility and cut ourselves off from the WIFI fields in our own homes at least. Targeted Individuals unplug your WIFI routers and return them to Spectrum or what ever company you got that router from and "hard wire" your computers and laptops with a 50 foot ethernet cord instead.  T.I.'s disconnect your cell phone from your service provider or just throw your cell phone out with the garbage. Just try being WIFI free for a month and see how different you feel.  You'll see I am right about disconnecting yourself from all personal WIFI sources.

God Bless you Amen!